Sunday, February 16, 2014

Biology:The Dreaded Worm Dissection

This is my third time to start this, an I am hoping that I will actually be able to finish it this time!
 We restarted HOPE on Friday. (Not Valentine's Day, the Friday before!) After HOPE, a couple of us have a Biology. Mrs. Nicot teaches this class, and we do the labwork. This time, we did a worm dissection! Now that may sound fun to some, but not to me or Cassandra! We were both a little queasy but not too bad! Alicen, who is not usually in the class but was this week, got my camera and snapped pictures left and right! I suggest that if you get queasy easy (bad grammar, but it sounds funny!) than you should probably skip this post!
Now for the pictures!
Dissection tools and cut open worm!

Closer view of the oh so gross worm!

Both cousins. Both have done almost everything together, and now they get to go through Bilogy together! (Not that Kyler minds science! LOL)

Naughty Lelanna! Not doing her work!

The hopefully dead worm!

That's just way too gross!


"Can I leave the class, please?"

Higher view!

Practical Claire! Cassandra and I were so happy to haver her on our team!

Yes, I look really bad!

Cassandra is being brave!

"What's that?"

"Is class over yet?" asks Leanna

Mom came in for a few minutes!

Leanna didn't get too grossed out, but everynow and then, I would here
"EWW! That's gross!"

Cassandra was happy to do the writing part!

"How close do you want to get, Claire?"

"Any closer?"

The teacher!

Cassia got her own worm! She even took it home! No, it was not my desicion!

"How much can we destroy this worm?"

Yes, Michael worked with no gloves!

Kyler moved to much to be able to get a clear shot!

He enjoyed the worm!

Cassia had no gloves either!

The ventral nerve cord! I pulled it out! Well, part of it anyways!

Yikes! I look mad!

You get a lovely last picture of us scraping off the intestine! I felt quite sick afterwards!

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