Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Summer is over; School has started

     Well, yet again I find that I've forgotten this blog in the craziness of my year. Work and church ministries have completely filled my summer with a short break from both when I came down with chicken pox. That was fun...not.
     Yesterday, myself and my younger siblings started back into the joys of school. This year, I'm the oldest kid in school (which is kind of weird) and it is also my last year of homeschooling. Actually, at the end of this semester, I'll be done with grade school. Next January, I will be starting the ACE program at GCC. This program allows homeschoolers to get dual credits for homeschooling and beginner college credits. These credits will give me a boost into college and I won't have to take any extra classes or get my GED in order to get further education. So yeah, come Christmas break, I should be finished with 12th grade. Yes it means doubling up, but I'll have the time.

Pics from the year
24 hr women's prayer meeting before Missions Conference

This girl is growing up so fast!!

So expressive

They came to visit me at work

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sirois

We're weird

Fourth of July nuts


Millers came for a few weeks