Monday, December 23, 2013

Making Christmas cookies!

 Today, I was planning on having a few girls over to do some cookies with me! I had inited Sarah,Hannah, Liz,Anna,and Leah over. Hannah,Sarah,and Liz were unable to come, but Anna and Leah were. I made the dough this morning before they got here and put it in the fridge like the recipe said! I then called a couple of the girls to see if they were coming because I hadn't heard from them. Hannah said that she and Sarah would be unable to come. I called Liz to see if she would be able to come but she had to clean her house. So, I had two girls coming over and lots of dough. I tried rolling out the dough to see if it was able to be cut out into shapes. It kept cracking because it was to cold. Everything that could go wrong was going wrong! I was very upset so I txted Mom who was out shopping. She called a little later and told me to let the dough sit out for a little bit to warm up and she was going to see if a couple of the Snyder's could come over to help. I decided to stop thinking about everything and read a book. I was reading for a while when I realized that it was almost 1:30. I wondered wether Anna and Leah had remebered. The Snyder's called and said that Emmeline and Mercy were going to be able to come. Finally at 1:30, Anna and Leah arrived. They had been cleaning their house and were unable to come until it was clean. We started the cookies and found out that the dough was now usable! The Snyder's finally got there and Emmeline put everything in order whithin 10 minutes! It was such a releif to have somene older there to take charge. I probably could've handeled it, but it was nice being able to hand the responsibility off to someone who I know would be able to figure things out. We cut out a bunch of cookies and then played Cheat. Eventually the cookies came out and we were able to frost and decorate them. By the time we finished it was 4:00. We hurried to clean the house before Mom got home, and Emmeline was such a blessing to be there to help out and keep things in control. If I asked her to do something that I knew mom would want clean, she would have it done in less than 10 minutes! We got just about everything cleaned up and in order before Mom walked in the door. We then made dinner while Mom worked on stuff in the front room. By the time Emmeline and Mercy left, everything was straightened and peace had been restored! She was such a help and a blessing! I will be so sad when the Snyder's leave and go back to New Zealand. I won't be able to call them up last minute and ask them to come help me calm down the kids or clean up a mess...etc. I will seriously miss them a TON! Thanks guys forbeing such a blessing!