Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ice Storm

This past weekend, we had an ice storm! Large branches from trees came down, a tree was bent over the driveway, the yard had huge puddles of water in them, and much more! I took some pictures on Sunday morning just before church.
This is the tree right near our road. As I was taking the pictures, I could hear the ice crackling!

One of the puddles (or should I say 'part of the huge puddle') in our yard!
Our apple trees!
The bent tree's leaves! They were so cool I just HAD to take a picture!
The group of pine trees and their fallen branches!
The bent tree!
A large branch from the tree near the road!
The bent tree from a different view!

Mom's favorite tree covered in ice! It actually was really very pretty!


  1. That ice storm was REALLY cool wasn't it? We are SO blessed to not lose power!
